Aims of the Internship Programme
Striving for excellence in “appliable” scholarship and teaching, LT continues to establish links with the community. Our Internship Programme assists students to arrange an institutional sponsor-based industry placement which provides real life working experience with leading organisations in local and/or international contexts for a period of full-time or part-time employment. With placements in public or private sectors, students are expected to gain in-depth and practical understanding of the professional contexts in which they may apply their knowledge and skills related to language.
Internship Partners since 2004 (BA level)
- Aberdeen Kai-fong Welfare Association Social Service Centre
- Art Promotion Office, LCSD
- Asia One Product & Publishing Limited
- Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants
- Ask It Ltd.
- B.K. Agency / 簡單出版有限公司
- B.K. Norton, Ltd. (Taiwan)
- Beijing Language and Culture University
- Beijing Spirit Translation Co., Ltd.
- Bookman Books, Ltd. (Taiwan)
- Branches of Hope Limited
- Business Environment Council Limited
- Caritas Pokfulam Community Development Project
- CCC But San Primary School
- CCC Heep Woh Primary School (Cheung Sha Wan)
- CCC Hoh Fuk Tong College
- Chilin (HK) Ltd.
- China Daily Hong Kong Edition
- China Resources Management Ltd.
- China Translation & Publishing Corporation
- China Youth Development Foundation (PRC)
- Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong
- Chung Hwa Book Co. (HK) Ltd.
- Chung Ying Theatre Company (HK) Ltd.
- CJ China Ltd.
- Consumer Council
- Cosmos Books Ltd.
- Daewoo Securities (Hong Kong) Limited
- Department of Pediatrics, University of Florida College of Medicine-Jacksonville (US)
- Dragjam
- E.C. Fix Technology Limited
- Etymon Communications & Brand Management Consultants Limited
- FGS Global (Asia) Limited
- Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press (PRC)
- Furrion Limited
- Gowell Software Limited
- Grand Creation, Development Limited
- HANA Microelectronics Public Co. Ltd. (Thailand)
- Health in Action
- HK Equestrian Federation 香港馬術總會
- Hong Kong Blind Sports Federation
- Hong Kong Business Accountants Association Limited
- Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF
- Hong Kong Disneyland
- Hong Kong Educational Publishing Co. Ltd.
- Hong Kong Football Association Limited
- Hong Kong Heritage Museum
- Hong Kong In-Media
- Hong Kong Museum of History
- Industrial Bank of Korea, Hong Kong
- Jade Dynasty Publications Ltd.
- Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole, the University of Hong Kong
- Korea Business Centre HK
- Korea Exchange Bank
- Korea Tourism Organization
- Korean Airlines Co., Ltd.
- Korean Trade-Investment Promotion Agency
- Laconic Freight International Ltd.
- Lee Kum Kee International Trading Limited
- LG Electronics HK Limited
- Lui Cheung Kwong Lutheran College
- Mandarin House Chinese School (Beijing/ Shanghai/ Hong Kong)
- Mingpao Monthly
- Mission for Migrant Workers (MFMW Ltd.)
- Mission To New Arrivals Limited
- Misys International Banking Systems Ltd.
- Modern Educational Research Society
- Monotype Hong Kong
- Museum Victoria, Melbourne (Australia)
- National Book Store Hong Kong Ltd./ Metrobooks
- National Tsing Hua University
- Noah's Ark Lab. Huawei Technologies
- Origin Business Consultancy Co. Ltd.
- Otis Elevator Company (HK) Ltd.
- Oxford University Press (China) Ltd.
- PAOC Ka Chi Secondary School
- Pearson Education Asia Limited
- Pearson Hong Kong
- POSCO Asia Co. Ltd.
- ProTrans Language Services Limited
- Publicis Groupe
- Regents STARTALK Foreign Language Academy, Kent State University, USA
- Rightman Publishing Ltd.
- Samsung Electronics HK Co. Ltd.
- Samsung HK Ltd.
- Sanrio (HK) Co., Ltd.
- School of Translation and Interpreting, Beijing Language and Culture University
- Shanghai WORDOOR Technology Co Ltd (上海沃动科技有限公司)
- Shinhan Bank Hong Kong Branch
- Soulmate International Limited
- Sports Services International
- SUP Publishing Logistics (HK) Limited
- Supportive Learning Project, Heep Hong Society
- Ta Kung Pao
- Teach For Hong Kong
- Television Broadcasts Limited
- The Bethune House Migrant Women’s Refuge Limited
- The Commercial Press (HK) Ltd.
- The Commercial Press Shanghai Co. Ltd.
- The Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China
- The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
- The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong
- Toshiba Electronics Asia Ltd.
- Total Petrochemicals (Hong Kong) Ltd.
- Turenscape (PRC)
- Uniqlo Hong Kong, Limited
- Woori Bank HK Ltd.
- Yazhou Zhoukan
- Yew Chung Education Foundation
- Yilin Press (PRC)
- YMCA of Hong Kong
- Youth With A Mission
- Zuni Icosahedron
- 上海漢聲信息技術有限公司
- 國立臺灣大學華語教學碩士學位學程
- 山東大學中文資訊研究所 (Shandong)
- 山東大學文學院 山東大學中文信息研究所
- 暨南大學附屬第一醫院康復科
- 洪氏飲食集團(吉野家)
- 深圳市瓏大科技有限公司
- 深圳新东方培训学校
- 聯經出版事業股份有限公司
- 青松侯寶垣小學
Internship Partners since 2017 (MA level)
- Beijing Spirit Translation Co., Ltd.
- CET Academic Programs
- Chinese Language & Linguistics Program, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Columbia University
- East China Normal University 華東師範大學對外漢語學院
- Feng Chia University
- Fire Services Department
- Hong Kong Observatory
- Hong Kong Police Force
- Microsoft Research Asia
- Nankai University 南開大學
- School of Chinese studies and Exchange
- Shanghai Language Services Center for Cultural Trade
- Shanghai Venture Language Services Co. Ltd.
- Shenzhen New Oriental School
- Tang International Education Group Holdings Limited
- The Taipei Chinese PEN Quarterly
- UW-Tianjin Study Abroad Chinese Intensive Summer Program
- 上海译迩信息科技有限公司
- 中山大學外國語學院
- 杭州市喬司職業高級中學
- 杭州晓风文化创意有限公司 Hangzhou Xiaofeng Culture & Creative Co.
- 杭州臨平區信達外國語學校
- 杭州觀成實驗學校
- 江蘇省演藝集團有限公司
- 深圳市新东方培训学校
- 深圳市越众文化传播有限公司
- 華潤物業管理有限公司


Last updated: 11 March 2025
A subsite of the Department of Linguistics and Translation website.
Copyright (c) 2025, Department of Linguistics and Translation, City University of Hong Kong